result=STRMATCH(string, '^.$') Matches strings three characters or longer. result=STRMATCH(string, '^ *$') Matches only three-character strings. result=STRMATCH(string, '^$') Matches either blank or null strings (Between the beginning ( ^) and the end ( $) there are only zero or more spaces ( *)). result=STRMATCH(string, '.') Matches only empty strings (start and end with nothing in between). result=STRMATCH(string, '\\.') Matches any string containing any character (that is, any non-null string).

Remember that it takes two backslashes in a PV-WAVE string to produce the single back slash that “escapes” the dot (. ' 3.14159' matches ' the quick brown fox' does not match. result=STRMATCH(string, 'Ll+') result=STRMATCH(string, '^.*x$') Matches any string containing a period. result=STRMATCH(string, '^at') Matches any string containing ' L' followed by one or more occur rences of ' l': ' Get a Llama' matches ' larry the llama' does not match (first l in llama is lower case). result=STRMATCH(string, 'a') Matches any string beginning ( ^) with Cat, bat, and so on: ' Cat Woman', ' catatonic', ' Batman, the animated series' but does not match: ' cat' (begins with a space), ' cab', and so on.

Matches any string containing the character ' a'. The following PV‑WAVE commands demonstrate the regular expression pattern matching used in the STRMATCH command. Assume that string is a string array defined in PV‑WAVE.